How Danielle Fauteaux Thinks About Cultivating Creative Resilience in High-Demand Agencies

In this episode of "How Leaders Think," we dive deep into the world of agency culture and leadership with the insightful founder of Momentum Marketing, Danielle Fauteaux. We'll explore the fine balance between creativity and the grind of deliverables, the hidden dangers of creative burnout in a remote work setting.

Danielle imparts her wisdom on building systems that sustain success without sacrificing the spark of innovation. We discuss the often-overlooked need for structured thinking time amid client demands. Hear her valuable tips on preventing burnout through small gestures of recognition and fostering resilience in your business.

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Creators and Guests

Kenny Lange
Kenny Lange
Jesus follower, husband, bio-dad to 3, adopted-dad to 2, foster-dad to 18+. @SystemandSoul Certified Coach. Dir. Ops @NCCTylerTX. Go @ChelseaFC
Danielle Fauteaux
Danielle Fauteaux
Danielle helps stuck agency owners solve the "cobbler's kids who have no shoes" riddle. Danielle helps creative and marketing agency owners get their life back by putting into place a repeatable business development system that allows the owner to achieve their desired outcomes (like getting more clients and more cash) while building a resilient agency, all without placing all the work onto the owner's shoulders alone. When not supporting agency's to build repeatable business development systems, you'll probably find Danielle tending her garden or riding roller coasters.
How Danielle Fauteaux Thinks About Cultivating Creative Resilience in High-Demand Agencies
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